Sunday, September 26, 2010

Finding time for Fun

Even with all the hassle of selling the home and moving we still found time for lot's of fun, including attending the Big Valley Jamboree.

Seems every event is an adventure for us as we arrive at our designated camping spot and Yes, someone is in it. 3 women with a huge old RV bus that they really don't want to move. Mostly because they can't drive it and have been settled in for a whole day already. Problem is that their designated spot is nowhere to be found, so we want our spot. 3 hours later they move.

We park, pull out our brand new tent, we plan to use to mark the spot and without too much trouble have it assembled. Now we never really planned to sleep in the tent, but after setting it up realize there is lot's of space and if we move the foam mattresses into it, it maybe way more comfortable than the back of the Jeep. About 9 pm it starts to cloud over and the winds blow in a tornado like rain storm. We are cuddled in the tent, both secretly thinking we should have slept in the Jeep, wondering if the tent will blow down? But it doesn't and the light show is amazing! The rest of the weekend is hot! We were thoroughly entertained by the Oakridge Boys, Kevin Costner band, Martina McBride, several others and Keith Urban.

Keith Urban was absolutely outstanding. His energy and talent captivated the entire audience of 25000 people. I would pay big bucks to go to his concerts. IF he is ever back in Calgary i will be at the front of the line for tickets. Truly amazing and worth every penny!!!!

Monday morning we pack up and head back to the city. The weekend was so much fun!

Where DId It Go?

The summer of 2010, that is. As I sit here in September reflecting on the summer, I wonder were it went. Were we really that busy that it past in a blur?

Seems so.

Preparing for the future, we continued to work on the plan, starting with downsizing and moving back downtown. In a very tough market we did succeed in selling our house, but it was stressful! Everyday the house was on the market the price fell, or at least it seemed that way. Nothing was selling and we wanted to move within weeks or at least this summer. So we cleaned, de-cluttered, gave furniture to the kids, took car loads of accumulations to the thrift store and made numerous trips to the dump. It was amazing to see how much stuff we had collected over 6 short years. I did feel good about donating to the thrift store knowing someone will get good use of the clothes that no longer fit, the dishes never used (OK) maybe once and the furniture we knew would not fit into the desired new home.

I think one of the only summer days we had, we held our first garage sale. Or maybe we should have called it "Garage Give Away". For two very strong negotiators at work, when it came to selling our belongings we accepted what ever was offered. No Negotiations here. Just please take it away so we don't have to, and they did.

The sad thing was that after living in the neighbourhood for 6 years we finally met our neighbours. It took a garage sale to bring them all out. We met some very nice people. I am confident lot's of our Stuff was going to very good homes. We committed not to let that happen at the new location!

The house finally sold for way less money than we originally we had 2 weeks to vacate, 2 weeks to pack (thank you Kirsten), move our stuff into storage(How could we still have so much stuff?),find a place to live (temporarily and for the long term). It took Lot's of work and that is probably where the summer went.

Oh, we did find a new home. A classic 610sq.ft condo just outside of downtown. Yes, i did say 610 sq ft., but it is all about location and sticking to the plan.

The plan- to retire and work and travel throughout the world. We are now one step closer.