Thursday, May 13, 2010

Snow and Sun

Somehow Snow and Sun sounds backwards but this is the order of weather we experienced in MAY.

May 1st marks Randy ad Jenn's annual camping trip and this year I had decided not to travel to Phoenix for my annual get away, so camping I would go. For 3 days before the trip I was sure it would be cancelled as it was snowing, raining cats and dogs and darn right miserable. So common sense would say staying home in the warmth of a house was the right thing to do. But oh NO. Even though it was cold the sun started to shine and we were heading out east of Mountainaire lodge to our favorite campsite.

As we made the trek, we started to worry that camping might not happen. The fields were covered with deep snow, but we continued along. Miraculously as we approached the turn, the snow disappeared and we were able to make it down to the river with no problem. It was meant to be. Jen and I built huge fire. Randy put up a tarp to blow the wind and we settled in for the weekend. YES we wore our snow gear and stayed near the fire but fun we had.
Autumn shared the adventures of her recent trip to France and Skylar kicked my butt in several games of Chess. The kid is too smart for a 9 year old.( Just kidding, how could anyone be to smart).

But is was cold so even though the kids slept in their tent Friday night, Saturday night saw us all sleeping in the vehicle.

Cold it was but what better way to spend time with family.... NO TV, NO Cellphones, just good old conversation!!

Why Journal

As I sat at the pool today capturing as much sun as possible before heading back home today, I read a article on "Why Women Journal?". I think it starts as pre-teens, when every young girl receives her first diary. I remember starting out with good intentions, but usually the novelty wore out within a few days or weeks. At the beginning of every trip I purchased a new journal, with a commitment to record the journey. Now it could be I was just to lazy, ran out of time each night or that I didn't think my life was all that exciting, but somehow documenting the first 50 years of my life just never seemed to happen. That it is 50 years is scary enough, but that I have forgotten a lot of the details is even scarier. How can life go by so fast?

I do have some great photos though, mostly due to the photography skills of my husband(s), sister, and friends. Thank goodness I didn't go alone to often or the only trace of those years would be in my memory. A funny thing about that memory though.... it has faded a bit over the years.

So back to the article. It spoke about capturing your thoughts and feeling as a source of therapy or recording so that your family could read after you pass on. Now I am thinking it might be better to share while you are still alive, but somehow that doesn't always happen. For me I am not always the greatest conversationalist. I know it, I try to work at it, but I wonder do my friends and family really know me?
They know I love travelling, thye know I love being outdoors, hiking, biking running or whatefer, they think I love working, and am happy not to do all the planning if possible but rather come along for the ride. The truth is I have planned peoples lives and careers for so many years at work, that just being able to spend time with friends and family and not do the planning is awesome.

To Janet, I can't thank you enough for being the great friend you are and having taken on the planning role for all our trips. Your research and investigation has truly helped us take full advantage of the opportunities available during our journey.

I have come to the realization that I am truly blessed and probably happier and healthier than ever. I am wealthy with family and friends, rich with experience and achievements and have the most amazing partner who has supported my through the last 14 years. He has often discretly put his dreams and goals on help me achieve mine. We have done such a great job, we now need to establish new goals and dreams.

So what does this all mean? Not sure but it has made think that I don't only want to record my travels as documentaries of where I have been, but include insights to who I am. Then maybe when my memory escapes me I can look back and marvel in the wonderful life I had/have!