Monday, October 26, 2015

Catching Up

Capturing our adventures in Kenya prompted me to realize that I had several adventures still sitting in the "Draft" file. I need to learn to record our stories as the adventures unfold otherwise they might get forgotten. In December 2011, we took Jenn and Chris to Vegas. The goal was for Jenn to train for her first half marathon and if she completed the training and committed to running with me and Randy we would take them to Vegas. Not only did she commit but she did it with passion and so we were off. Now not only did we go to Vegas and have an amazing time, we ran the half marathon in style! It was Vegas and so Randy dressed up as Elvis, Jenn and I as his sidekicks with blonde Afros and black sequined outfits. Not only were we cool but it was easy to locate each other as we ran with 40,000 other participants. Running down the strip at night was amazing and Jenn gave it her all. The three of us held hands as we crossed the finish line, tears pouring down our faces, proud of our accomplishment and thankful to be done. All that hard work paid off and Chris in his seventies suit was there to congratulate us. To celebrate it was out for a midnight steak and then to bed. I think it may have been the best steak ever! The next day we each got tattoos to capture the memory. Two dice with the two and one on top representing 21k. We are branded with the memory of our race together. It was an awesome trip! We walked the strip until our feet hurt and then walked some more, bought Jenn's wedding dress, gambled in the casino, visited the ghost bar at the palms, shopped some more, ate amazing food, went to the ice bar (Randy & Chris), ate a ton more food, laughed and had so much fun! Definitely a trip we will remember for a long, long time.

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