Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Last Minute Decisions

Last October when my husband told me he wanted to run the Hypothermic Half Marathon in February 2010, I honestly thought he was a bit crazy. It could be 30 below and running in the freezing cold just didn't seem like a fun idea to me. So when he signed up I happily didn't. In the back of my mind I figured no way would the race fill up so if by some miracle it was reaaly warm the week of the race I could always be a last minute entry. Surprisingly enough there are over 400 crazy people in Calgary and the race was sold out a month before the dreaded date.

Funny thing happened. The week before the race it was gorgeous. A balmy 2 degrees above, great weather for a short 21k run. I should have signed up, but oh well that's how the ball bounces. Then..... a friend emails that she has an injury and won't be able to run. Did I want her bib?? How could I refuse?? It was warm on Friday and indication was it would be on Sunday.

So for Valentine's Day we got up early and headed to Fort Calgary for the start of the race. Turns out though it was COLD!!!. OK only minus 7, but the wind was more than chilling. Yes it was cold!!!
The first 10k went by no problem, running at race pace, but the last 11K a bit more challenging. When we talk about run 10 walk 1, it was probably more like run 4 walk 1.

No question the cold had an impact! So did the fact that I am only part way through the 1/2 marathon training program..lol

But I knew my Valentine would be waiting for me at the finish line, and there he was. Encouraging me those last few hundred meters, I finished my 2nd half marathon.

Please let it be sunny and warm for the next one!!

Monday, February 15, 2010

Learning to Ski

I am not sure how long I will continue to get away with the excuse that I am still learning to ski versus I am just not good at it?? Now the fact that I put my first pair of skis on in my late thirties should count for something. Then there is the fact that I only get out once or twice a year. But the driving force is that it is a total mental game and I am just afraid of speed and being out of control. Yes I am a control freak but these days who isn't?

So when the opportunity to take a family ski vacation arose this year I was all for it. 3 dedicated days to strengthen my skills and overcome that darn fear.

Staying at the Fox Hotel in Banff, which was fabulous, we commuted to Lake Louise each morning, returning for a dip in the hot tub and supper each evening. The hot tub does need mention as it is built like a cave replicating the original hotsprings found by explorers to Banff area in the early 1900s. Too very very cool.. not the water, it was hot.

Day one worked out perfect. My niece and I took a lesson together. Now the fact that she is only 10 and has skied less than me is totally irrelavent, we skied well together. Randy and our nephew took a snowboarding lesson. Yes they both mastered the art! My Brother-in -law and my daughter skied the day together. It was a perfect day and we each had someone of comparably skill to ski with. Awesome!

The next day everyone continued to enjoy the almost deserted hill. I much prefer having the entire hill to myself, alleviates the concern of others skiing over top of you, or seeing how slow you are going. Today I expanded my horizons taking the gondela to new Green Runs. OK new for me... Thank goodness my daughter is patient as she guided me down the mountain! What a great day!

Day 3 found me skiing on my own as the other women and children decided a day at the spa was much more appealing than a 3rd day skiing. But how will I ever become a novice rather than a beginner if I don't stick with it when the opportunity presents itself. An entire day, up and down the green hill, building more and more confidence, even to the point where my totally comfortable green hills are a bit boring.LOL

While I enjoyed the day, my dear husband skied and snowboarded his heart and every muscle in his body out. With two friends from work, they challenged themselves to the nth degree. Boys will be boys!!

One day I maybe able to ski with Randy, but it will take him getting a lot older and hopefully slower and for me.... practice, practice practice. But it doesn't really matter. I love being outside, enjoying the fresh air and challenging myself. As long as we get to travel to and from the hill together, we are happy skiers!!

It was a great adventure with family, undertaking new challenges, exploring new restaurants(yes even a vegetarian restaurant which was awesome for Autumn) and just
spending time together.

The Adventure of a Bed abd Breakfast

This Christmas we made the trek to Abbotsford to spend the holiday's with Randy's family. We hadn't been there for several years and were really looking forward to visiting with the family.

However we knew that we would occasionally need to just slip away and relax, so we thought we might try a Bed and Breakfast,just a short 20 minute walk from Mom's. After a 12 hour drive through the mountains and a visit with Mom and Howie we made our way to the B&B for the evening. We were more than ready for bed!

Who knew that owners of a B&B are looking to meet new friends and spend time visiting. While we were ready to hideway in the comforts of a private room, which was gorgeous, they were looking to share the history of their lifes with us. Trying to be polite we lasted 20 minutes before heading of to our room.

Beautifully decorated, with a fireplace and flat screen TV, we had all the comforts of home. The bathroom had a 2 person jacuzzi and was fully stocked with bath salts, lotions, etc and the best towles money good buy. Definitely a heavenly place to relax. But throughout the stay the feeling of being in someone elses home was always with us.

Then there is the Breakfast part of a B&B. The host expects to feed you breakfast with time for more conversation.LOL. Anyone who knows us knows that sleeping to the last possible moment is our preference. Not only that but Randy's family had most breakfasts already planned. So every night when they asked "what time for breakfast?", we declined their invitation. After a few days we were definitley left with the impression they were totally disappointed that they weren't serving us breakfast. I think that speaks to the desire for more conversation. We did make an effort to share a meal one day and honestly I now know more about the success of their children and family dynamics than I may ever need to know!!!!

The hosts were very friendly and they made every effort to make us comfortable, but we can be a little anti-social, relishing our private time together.

Bed and breakfast are great but maybe not for us.