Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Last Minute Decisions

Last October when my husband told me he wanted to run the Hypothermic Half Marathon in February 2010, I honestly thought he was a bit crazy. It could be 30 below and running in the freezing cold just didn't seem like a fun idea to me. So when he signed up I happily didn't. In the back of my mind I figured no way would the race fill up so if by some miracle it was reaaly warm the week of the race I could always be a last minute entry. Surprisingly enough there are over 400 crazy people in Calgary and the race was sold out a month before the dreaded date.

Funny thing happened. The week before the race it was gorgeous. A balmy 2 degrees above, great weather for a short 21k run. I should have signed up, but oh well that's how the ball bounces. Then..... a friend emails that she has an injury and won't be able to run. Did I want her bib?? How could I refuse?? It was warm on Friday and indication was it would be on Sunday.

So for Valentine's Day we got up early and headed to Fort Calgary for the start of the race. Turns out though it was COLD!!!. OK only minus 7, but the wind was more than chilling. Yes it was cold!!!
The first 10k went by no problem, running at race pace, but the last 11K a bit more challenging. When we talk about run 10 walk 1, it was probably more like run 4 walk 1.

No question the cold had an impact! So did the fact that I am only part way through the 1/2 marathon training program..lol

But I knew my Valentine would be waiting for me at the finish line, and there he was. Encouraging me those last few hundred meters, I finished my 2nd half marathon.

Please let it be sunny and warm for the next one!!

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