Friday, September 9, 2011

When Opportunities Come Your Way

Sometimes an opportunity you would never have even imagined is presented in the most unusual way but makes you stop and think. For several months now I had been thinking about retiring from RBC. After 32 years of breathing and living Royal Bank it was time to explore something new. I had thought that something new would start with 2 or 3 months off to relax and research where our travels would take us. The plan was November 2012, we would travel to Baan Unrak, Thailand for 6 months. From there we would see where the road takes us.

But then opportunity came knocking. Why Angela sent me a job posting for the Interim Executive Director of the Women in Need Society, we will never truly know. Was it because she wanted to determine if we knew a great candidate within our personal network? Was it that she thought I might convince Randy it was a great opportunity for him? Did she think I might be interested? The answer is probably a combination of all three, and definitely I was intrigued. But instead of the interim position, I wanted to explore the permanent role.

The challenge of running four thrift stores that are presently not producing to their potential is exciting. With the leadership and business skills I have developed over the years at RBC, I am confident I can increase profits and help that many more women in Calgary. All I needed to do was convince the recruiter that an individual successful in the corporate world could also be successful in the non-profit world. The recruiter turned out to be the easy challenge. The board however was a different story. It took 3 interviews and a completed 1 year business plan to win them over but I finally did. To be fair I did get lots of coaching and support from Randy who critiqued my application and submissions every step of the way. Honestly a business is a business and regardless of who benefits from the profits the management and leadership skills required are the same. OK the rules may be different and every project appears to be called a Program, but people management and sales skills are transferable from one business to another.

I had full confidence I would be awarded the position. Why? Because when trying to decide whether to apply for the position I had my good friend Candace read my cards. Now anyone who knows me well would think for a normally very practical, analytical, straight laced (?) individual making a decision based on a card reading would be the last thing i would do. However I really believe in the cards. The few times I have had them read they have never led me astray.

So what did I ask the cards? Should I leave RBC and go for the opportunity at WINS. Their response was retirement lays ahead of you, that a younger woman will help you achieve your goal and you will be extremely successful. So without a second thought I went for it! The younger woman, my good friend Angela, who just so happens to be chairman of the board. Although I am not sure she is that much

Now rather than retiring to a life of leisure and travel, I will probably be working harder than I have in years. Going to a world where I have so much to learn! Officially I start November 1st, 2011. The reality I started September 1st, 2011, juggling both roles for a few months.

I am excited, nervous, anxious and can hardly wait to jump in with both feet as I start the next chapter of my journey through life, with my husband by my side every step of the way.

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