Sunday, October 2, 2011

Treated like a Princess

The last day of work before we head off on three weeks holidays also happened to be my birthday. I am a little funny about my birthday. Part of me doesn't want people to make a fuss but another part wants them to remember. This year was no different as I didn't mention my birthday was coming up to anyone.

Then my friends from work booked the evening for our monthly poker night. Should I go? Would it ruin anyone elses plans, I wondered. Finally I committed it would be a fun evening and knowing my friends they would have a small celebration for me too. So the plan was to spend the evening with my work friends.

About 3:30 I received an email telling me to be ready to leave work at 4:30 sharp, and someone would be there to pick me up. That is when the mystery and the Princess treatment started. I was assured that the hostess of our poker party had been advised I wouldn"t be attending.

At 4:30 my staff informaed my that my chariot was waiting. A luxurious white limo was waiting to wisk me away. Where we were going I do not know, so I sat back and enjoyed the ride. 45 minutes later I was at Jenn's house and Skylar, Chris and Jenn came out to meet me. But of course by then I had to run into their house for a quick pit stop. No problem but when we went to leave only Jenn was coming with me. Now where? She wasn't about to tell me anything. Only that Autumn was supposed to be coming with us but unfortunately she wasn't feeling well.
Finally the limo stopped at Chinook Mall and Jenn handed me a handfull of gift certificates. We had 1 1/2hours to shop until we dropped. What could I possibly spend all that money on?

What I have been saying for a long time is I would like good sunglasses. I mean really I am the only one in the family wearing $50 non-polarized glasses. So to Sunglass Hut we went. With Jenn's help, 15 minutes later I had a brand new pair of sunglasses. Never before had I spent that much money on me for glasses but darn I look cool. There is truly a difference when you wear polarized glasses. Everything is so much clearer!

Then to get a dress. We found the most amazing salesgirl at BCBG. She picked out a variety of dresses, inexpensive, expensive, a variety of colors and styles. In the end her recommendation which I would probably never have looked at on the hanger was a burgundy t-shirt dress, and the least expensive one at that. It looked so good that Jenn ended up getting one too!!

With 20 mintes left, what next? Boots of course! Nine West just happened to be right around the corner. Our only challenge was that there was two pair I really liked, but today was splurge day so we decided on the black suade boots with a gold zipper up the back.

Then it was a quick trip to the washroom to change into my new dress and boots. The limo was waiting. Jenn and I jumped in and the driver opened a bottle of champagne for us. We both felt like royalty as we sipped our drinks and headed back downtown. As the limo pulled up in front of the Calgary Tower, Randy was there to greet me. The limo would take Jenn home and Randy and I would have a romantic dinner for two at the top of the tower.

The food was great, the view fantastic and we enjoyed an amazing evening of conversation and romance. It wasn't until 3 hours later that we were ready to head home. I couldn't even imagine a nicer birthday. Thank you Randy for planning such a special evening and for arranging for Jenn to share it with us. It was perfect!!

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