Monday, March 31, 2014

Monday is Goal Setting Day

It is amazing to me that while things are so very different, they are also very much the same. 

On Monday morning we attended an One Acre Fund District weekly meeting.  Field Officers are mandate to collect weekly loan repayments from the farmers, hold a weekly meeting, and provide training for their team of farmers.   Each week they come together to meet with their Field Manager, who then shares with the whole district how each Field Officer has done and how the Field Manager's team has done as a whole. They are rated on the percentage of group leaders and farmers; attending weekly meeting and training sessions, making a repayment, and percentage of total loans repaid.  Results are captured on flip chart paper and posted for everyone to see.  During the meeting the agenda for the entire district team of field officers and field managers includes the sharing of best practices, discussion on challenges and training to be shared out in the field.  This very much sounds like goal setting and management meetings at home.  The saying same, same but different seems very appropriate. 

At the beginning of the session each field officer turns in the receipts for all the payments he has collected during the week to the bookkeepers. The bookkeepers then verify the receipts to the actual cash that was electronically transferred to the repayment accounts.  Considering in this specific district there are 7,292 active farmers that is a lot of receipts being verified each week.  

The second picture shows the Field Officers receiving the supplies they have personally ordered for their farms. The process of how items should be provided is demonstrated to them as tomorrow they will need to distribute supplies to their individual teams.  Roleplaying at its finest.

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