Sunday, March 30, 2014

Sounds of the Night.

The sounds of Bungoma at night were pretty amazing starting with all the neighbourhood dogs breaking out in song. As the choir began more and more animals joined in. It sounded like a pack of coyotes, yet we knew it wasn't.  Then the resident donkey joined in honking out his tunes. Interestingly enough his part went on throughout the night, even though the rest had long since finished their part of the performance. Occasionally throughout the night his honking would ring clearly ensuring we all knew his part was not over. About 5 am we were awaken by the ritual of the morning prayers. I am not sure if the whole 44000 people of the town could hear the chants of the lone singer but it definitely sounded like it. Shortly before the sun began to rise the resident rooster began to crow. Awakening the town with his song. The only challenge is I think he lost his off button. And so the day begins....

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