Tuesday, October 4, 2011

10- 29-6 in 15 hours

Jumping into the cab in Calgary it was +10 out as we headed for the airport. Our journey to Boliva was about to begin. The first leg of the trip would take us to Housten, were we quickly found the temperature to be +29. Even in the airport it was hot. With 1 hour between flights we grapped a quick bite to eat, as we looked out over the flat plains of Housten. This would be a great place to run a marathon with not a hill in sight. It was then on to La Pas. The pilot announced we would arrive at 5:30 in the morning and the temperature was a bombie +6. That didn't seem to bad, but plus six at 13,000 feet above sea level was cold!

Clearing customs went extremely smooth and our packbacks were waiting for us as we approached the baggage carousel. We remarked on how smoothly everything had gone as we hailed a taxi to take us down, down, down, into town. All I could think of "is I hope he had the brakes checked recently". Six in the morning and people were already making thier way to work. Yet not one building appeared to be open as medal garage doors covered every entrance. Not to worry our hotel is open 24/7. As we approached the address on our hotel all I could see was darkeness and locked iron rail gates. Sure enough the taxi driver dropped us outside a completely locked up hotel and there we stood with our packs wondering what to do next?
Having watched a little too much Jersey Shore, Randy figured there had to be a way in and started to knock on the door. Eventually, the night clerk heard the knocking and came to let us in.

We were safe and sound in our hotel, which was beautiful inside the large doors. Randy much too excited to sleep wanted to start exploring, the hotel at least. After a quick tour around the hotel he came back to our room where I was already asleep. Hoping to get a few hours of rest before we started to explore the city.

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