Sunday, April 20, 2014

Bungoma to Nairobi

We were packed and ready to start the trek back home with a day and a half scheduled to take in the sights of Nairobi.  We just needed to turn in Randy's phone and wait for the taxi to show up. It was starting to get late and we wondered why Arnold hadn't said anything about turning the phone in? Knowing the cab should be here any minute we made a quick call to Arnold to say we would leave the phone with Gazy.

But there had been a mix-up. While we always had planned to leave on Friday April 4th, somehow the ticket was scheduled for Saturday April 5th.  The taxi wasn't on its way and we weren't booked on the 3 o'clock plane. While we could stay an extra day in Bungoma, that would mean we would miss exploring Nairobi and at this point there was no guarantee we would be back to Kenya.

Jumping on the internet we could see there was an 8 o'clock flight that night so we tried to switch our tickets. It looked like the switch was accepted as our visa was charged (twice) but before we received a confirmation the treaded "error message" popped up.  So we decided to grab a cab and head in to Kisamu early. Even if we had to sit in the airport for 5 hours at least we would be able to confirm our seats ( hopefully).

Now remember Kisamu ia a hour drive from Bungoma, and the driver needed to stop for gas, but no problem we had lots of time. We would again travel across the equator, which somehow seems surreal.

 We arrived at the Kisamu airport at 2:45 and went straight to the ticket booth. After explaining our situation the representative said if we hurried we could still get on today's 3 o'clock flight, but we would have to run. Getting to the gate, the agent said it was closed.  "But the representative just sold us a ticket, please let us on"!  Finally she gave in and we headed out to plane.  

A bit of a gong show and a lot of good luck but we were exactly where we had always planned to be. On the Friday April 4th, 3 o'clock plane to Nairobi, with a hotel reservation at the In Demi hotel.


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