Sunday, April 20, 2014

The Animals of Nairobi

Bright and early Saturday morning we were up and ready to visit the Elephant Orphanage and the Giraffe Center of Nairobi.  I was so excited and could hardly wait to get started. After securing a taxi for the day (a mere 6000 schillings) we were off.

The elephant orphanage is a working farm, only open to the public from noon to 1 pm. 23 orphans ranging in age from 2 1/2 months to eight years live here. Each calf had been rescued from the wild, often orphaned at the hands of poachers and found guarding over the body of their mother. This is so sad! While poaching is totally illegal, it still happens way, way too often. I will never purchase anything made from elephant tusks.

Gallon sized baby bottles filled with milk await the calves as they come running into the observation area. The facilitator tell the story of each of the calves as they eat, drink and roll in the mud, while the spectators pat them, laugh as they play and take a boat load of pictures. Honestly the cutest thing I have ever seen. Especially as a baby elephant grabs hold of the leg of his keeper when the keeper wanders away from the calf's side for a moment.  The calves become so attached to their keepers that the keeper even sleeps with their ward on a mattress in the calf's stall. Working with the elephants is truly a 24/7 job. 
You to can adopt an orphan for a mere $50 a year. How could we refuse?

After enjoying the playfulness of the elephants for an hour it was time to go and we were off to see the giraffes.

The giraffe center is a true tourist park only 10 minutes away from the elephant orphanage. Once you pay your entrance fee you are directed up a flight of stairs to a landing. At the top of the stairs a park ranger provides you with a handful of pellets to feed the giraffes. You are entitled to two handfuls but only one at a time. As you work your way to the railing the giraffes are eagerly awaiting for you to feed them. Holding one pellet at a time the giraffe's slippery touch reaches out to grab the food from your hand. Your hand is sucked into their mouth or sloppered on by their tongues. Such a fun surreal experience. If you are brave enough you can even capture a kiss.

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