Thursday, April 3, 2014

Rest and Relaxation for Cathy

Today I spent the entire day reading my book, catching up on my blog and doing absolutely nothing, while Randy continued to spend the day with Gazy, his potential new boss. 

My perch for the day overlooking the compound. It really is very beautiful, 

Lunch is served Monday thru Thursday at the compound for the expats from noon to three and supper at 7pm.  I have to admit the food has been quite tasty and I have been able to enjoy each of the meals.   After lunch today Randy and I went for a short walk. Every child you meet asks " how are you?" Instead of "hello".  It is very cute. 

Along our walk we stopped to buy a pop. It costs extra if you take the bottle, so we poured our pops into our water bottles and paid a whole 25 schilling for our drinks. Approximately 30 cents compared to the $2.25 or more at home.

As 5 pm approaches the thunder and clouds are beginning to roll in. It has poured rain every night for about an hour just before supper. With the rains the temperature usually drops making the evening a bit cooler with the need for a sweater.  Great for sleeping though.

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