Saturday, June 21, 2014

The history of my running adventures!

As I start to think about what to save, what to pack away and what can I carry with me as we enter into the next chapter of our life's, travelling the world to work, I am reminded by the mantra of Peter Welsh. Peter states that if you actual use items or have them displayed in an appropriate manner, keep them. Otherwise determine whether to sell, donate, create an appropriate display or send the item to the garbage. 

So when looking at my collection of racing bibs and medals (yes the medals are why we run), I knew an appropriate display is what is needed. Maybe I should capture my journey on my blog or on Facebook or both?

For years I had thought that running a marathon by the time I reached 55 was something I wanted to achieve. All it would take was getting started with a good pair of running shoes, a lot of motivation, a solid training program and time. So in August 2009, I signed up for a 10k runnung clinic with the 
Kensington Runnung Room. I now had a good pair of runners, motivation and a great program. All I needed was dedicated time and I was confident that being part of a clinic would help me schedule time for my training. Enrolling in the clinic was the start of a great hobby, lots of challenges, the occasional set back, frustration, a few tears, tonnes of fun and several new friends I will cherish for life.

My first race was October 2009. Starting at Eau Claire and running along the river path it was a cold morning and 10 k felt like a very long ways. However as we crossed the finish line I felt an amazing sense of accomplishment and was motivation to keep on training.

 Somehow while sitting in an Internet cafe in Thailand, skyping with a Randy, we realized we would be in Las Vegas during the "Rock & Roll" 1/2 marathon event. What better place to run my first 1/2 marathon?  Minutes later we were registered and committed to the race. 

 After 2 days of touring, eating way to much, going to an eleven p.m. showing of Cirque du Soleil "O" and getting hardly any sleep we were up at 5 a.m. Sunday morning preparing for my first 1/2. 

We had thought it would be warm in Vegas, but had been sadly mistaken. It was minus five and we had to purchase pants, hats and mitts for the race, replacing the shorts we had brought to wear. We finished the race and went directly to the airport for the flight home. I was fast asleep the minute I sat in my seat and didn't wake until we touched down in Calgary. A truly amazing weekend! 

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