Saturday, March 28, 2015


The first island we would visit on our cruise was Cozumel. According to Mayan legend Cozumel was the home to th gods, with its stunning white sand beaches, crystalline blue waters and ruined Mayan temples.

We decided to spend the day snorkelling and visiting Passion Island Beach. Boarding the Catatermin named Fury we were off for a day of playing in the water.

Dressed in our finest snorkelling attire we headed out to the Chankanaab Reef, part of the 2nd largest barrier reef in the world. The water was warm, and crystal clear. The natural aquarium revealed dozens of tropical fish, coral and vegetation. Absolutely amazing! We were told to stick together and follow the large buoy, which would lead us along the reef.  It was all so very impressive.  

After about 45 minutes in the water, which seemed more like 15, we climbed back onto the Catatermin  for the trip over to the secluded Passion Island Beach. At this point the tequila started to pour and watching the people on our boat was almost as fun as the snorkelling had been. Almost! 

Passion Island Beach is outfitted with waterslides, banana boats, tons of other water toys and beach chairs.  Nicole jumped on a paddled board and quickly mastered the technique. She is a natural.

 Once she returned to shore we couldn't resist trying out the waterslides. The hardest part was the climb up. Thank goodness for all that training at the gym. But it was so much fun and we tried it more than once. 

After soaking up some rays and playing in the water it was time to head back to the ship in time for lunch.  First stop the ice cream bar for our first milkshake of the week. So Good!

Tonight at dinner we learned a lot about Mr John. 
He was born in Lativia in 1943, and escaped with his family to Germany in 1945. They immigrated to the US in 1952.  We also figured out that he had aspbergers, which explain his conversation awkwardness. Awkward or not I wasn't going to miss one dinner with him this week.  A very interesting, smart man, indeed, who has touched my heart. 

Tonight's entertainment was a comedian named Darrel Joyce.  He is so so funny, making fun out of so many realities of life. " Why he asked is everyone on the ship carrying cell phones - really if you need to talk to someone after being apart for only 36 hours maybe you should have brought them with you."  We laughed so hard and I wished he had continued for another hour. 

Next we were off to the Infusion Pub for the country music trivia contest. Surely Nicole would be a bit of a ringer for us? We didn't win with 28 out of 40 but we in the top 25%of the teams. Yes we are just a little bit competitive? How can you win against a team that got 38 out of 40.  Of course they were a bit older and got the answers to the really old songs lol. Even though we didn't win we had a blast and then stayed around to dance before heading back to our cabin for the night. 

It was definitely a fun filled day, snorkelling, swimming, tanning, and dancing our bodies were ready for bed! 

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