Monday, March 30, 2015

Two days at Sea

Friday and Saturday were both sea days and we were really excited about being able to sleep in as long as we wanted. We quickly developed a routine of sleeping until 10:30 ish and lazing around for a hour or so before heading out for brunch. 

After brunch we found lounge chairs on deck 15 and planted ourselves for the afternoon. Same place everyday, as we are so creatures of habit. With books to read, people to watch, waiters to bring us drinks and the occasional catnap we soaked up the sunrays and worked on our tans. Even Janet got a bit of color, while spending most of the time in the shade due to allergies to the sun. We only left our chairs when it was time to get dressed for dinner or to get our daily milkshake from the ice cream bar.

Friday was formal night and when we first arrived Mr. John was not at the table. With every minute that passed we continued to worry until finally about 15 minutes late he arrived dressed in his tuxedo. Relieved to see him we were now ready to enjoy the night's special of shrimp and lobster.

Friday's Theater preformance was Dan Horn. A very talented funny ventriloquist who had us laughing through is entire show. From there we headed to the piano bar. I loved singing along ( it was encouraged) to all the familiar songs. It has been a long time since I sang that much and we had so much fun!

Saturday was our final dinner with Mr.John and my heart broke as he told us more about his wife's passing, being estranged from his daughter, initial difficulties when his wife died ( they had thought he would pass first because he had been quite ill, so they had transferred all their money into her name so at the time he couldn't even afford to bury her) and not really knowing what he was going to be doing next. He gave us his email address with a hope I am sure that we stay in contact. He touched me in a way that I can't really explain and as we said goodbye it was all I could do to keep the tears from pouring down my face. Back in the room and as I write this I found myself crying.

Fortunately after dinner we went to watch the "Princess  karaoke finale". Apparently they had karaoke contests all week and the daily winners would compete in tonight's finale.  Five of the six contestants were really good. Four of them turned out to be professional and/ or trained singers. The contestants received feedback from 3 celebrity judges and then the audience voted on the winner. Nathan a college trainer vocalist who at one time had his own band was the winner. Even Nicole said he was the most technically talented singer of the group. He had an awesome sound. It is just I couldn't understand most of the words he was singing..but then what do I know. The entire event was a lot of fun and very entertaining. 

Time for one dance to a Fleetwood Mac song and it was time for bed. A great last night to a great cruise!  

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