Monday, March 23, 2015

Rest and Relaxation

I can't believe it but we all slept in until 10:30am this morning. I haven't slept for 10 hours straight in I don't know how long, so not waking up until 10:30 was quite a surprise. Then we realized there was no rush to jump out of bed, so we didn't. What a treat!

Finally we were all starting to get hungry so we decided it was time to go for brunch.  It is still brunch even at noon if you didn't have breakfast, right? Finding a table out by the pool we devoured our lunch while trying to answer the movie and TV trivia questions projected on the big screen above the pool. Not having watched a lot of movies from the 30's and 40's I didn't do so well but Janet was a winner.

Then it was time to find lounge chairs for an afternoon napor to read our books and people watch. A chair in the shade for Janet, one in the sun for Nicole and the third one with the head in the shade and the rest in the sun for Cathy. Surprising enough we found the perfect spot. As usual I found myself reading a few pages, falling asleep for awhile, occasionally waking myself up with a little snore and then starting the whole process over again. A perfect afternoon and just what the doctor ordered.

Tonight was formal night and we all got dressed in our prettiest dresses, put on makeup and even curled our hair in preparation for dinner.  We were happy to find Mr. John dressed in his tuxedo waiting for us at the dinner table. At least we knew he hadn't been emergency evacuated from the boat last night. The meal was awesome, however the conversation quite strange and a little awkward as Mr. John shared his opinion on the need to have several guns in your home or with you in order to protect yourself and your family. "How can Canadians possibly protect themselves if they don't carry guns?" - he asked. Then he proceeded to tell us how to avoid letting the police search your car, because you never know if your teenagers may have left marihuana in your car the last time they borrowed it.  Now remember he is about 75 years old and his only daughter is around 50. We asked him if he lived in a rough neighbourhood or had ever had problems with his daughter to which he answered No to both. I think he is just a little strange and very socially awkward. Oh yeah with very weird opinions. 

Tonight's show was "I've got the Music" featuring Cher, Lionel Ritchie and Neil Diamond songs. As the Emerald singers and dancers preformed the songs the audience sang along to some of the artists best known hits. 

Energized by the performance we headed off to the "Infusion Pub" for an evening of 50's and 60s rock and roll. Within minutes we were up dancing including a lot of twists. I am sure we burnt more than a few calories.  While we didn't win the twist-off or participate in the hula hoop contest ( mostly because we weren't picked to be contestants) we danced to every song they played excepted for the slow romantic ones. During these songs I really missed my sweetie! 

A little before midnight it was time to head back to our cabin for bed. We had a great day and tomorrow we will explore Cozumel, which means we need to be up at 7 am. 

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