Saturday, September 15, 2012

Change in Plans

We received notification from Tanmaya that they would like us to come back to Jharsugada on Monday the 24th to visit with Vedanta Aluminum Plant executives and then make our presentation to the team on the 25th. Of course that will work! We can certainly be flexible with our schedule. Today we ventured out for a long walk and found ourselves shopping in a mall. After being outside for over an hour it was good to get into an air conditioned building for a while. We were both sweating like crazy with the heat and humidity. Sure enough we found a new dress for me and a cool jacket for Randy. Entering the men's clothing store we were sure the sales boys figured we would be a waste of their time, but then again we were the only people in the store. After a few minutes of searching Randy wanted to try on a jacket. The next question as would they have any in his size? Luckily we found one in a style he really liked. We said yes we will take it and headed up to the til. At the same time the sales boy was putting the jacket back on the rack. There was obviously a communication breakdown. Once we convinced the representative that we wanted to buy the jacket he was all smiles. What a fun experience! Then over to the grocery store as our supply of junk food was diminishing and that just can't be allowed. We were ready for our walk back to the hotel. We decided that we would move to Puri tomorrow. Puri is a tourist town with great beaches. We think it might be a good place to spend the next week. Rather than taking the train we are going to hire a taxi so that we can stop along the way if something grabs our interest. And so the adventure continues.....

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