Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Treated like Royalty

While we waited for our host from Subhalaxmi to pick us up for a quick tour of their offices and their recommendation on a better (?) hotel to stay at we toured the grounds of our present hotel snapping a few pictures to capture our first accommodation in India. The next thing we knew the concierge was recommending spots and offering to take our picture for us. Then several members of the staff were peering around the corner watching. I don't think they see to many white people never mind white women as the girls would smile at me and then giggle, while playing shy. So their pictures we had to have too. The security guard, the waiters, cleaning staff and management all became part of our photo shoot. Everyone smiling, laughing and giggling. We felt quilty that we were even considering changing hotels. Yet we did. A brand new hotel, 2 minutes from the office, with WiFi, American style bathroom that includes toilet paper and an actual desk for Randy to work at. Yes we are spoiled but it is really nice for only $60 a night. We thought we might miss the hustle and bustle of the downtown market but after the first full day with the Subhalaxmi team we were so tired that the quiet was welcome!

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