Saturday, September 15, 2012

Getting down to. Business

After a week and a half of research, visiting farms, entrepreneurs, wholesalers, dealers and a spice plant it was now time to get down to business and write the business plan for Subhalaxmi. Wednesday we spent the day camped out in our hotel working on the plan. Where to start, what to write, but quickly I started on the competitive research while Randy started on the numbers. We were on a role and worked straight through to 8pm. The schedule was that we would work thru the next two days and then present a draft presentation to the Access Development Service team and Tanmaya on Saturday. Thursday we were back at it when Tanmaya called to say he had arranged for us to visit a package producer that afternoon. The last piece to the puzzle, so let's go. The great thing was that Randy actual knew the quantities that we needed for each product and size. The challenge was no one else besides Randy and I knew where the numbers were coming from. Questions were asked but we were confident in what we needed. At the end of the day it really didn't matter as the minimum order for each product turned out to be way more than we needed for the first few months so the quote was easy and now we had all the numbers to complete the financial projections. Heading back into Bhubaneswar Tanmaya wanted to take us to the Krishna Temple. We need to see at least one temple while we were here and this one welcomed foreigners. First we needed to cross four lanes of traffic to get across the street. Are you kidding? Patience and then run like crazy, stop in the middle and then run again, but we made it. We should probably be praying and thanking the Gods for getting us to the Temple safely! Entering the Temple men to the left and women to the right. The playing of the drum and chanting of the leader made the visit seem quite spiritual. Upon leaving the Temple you are handed a spoonful of white sweet tasting liquid to drink as a blessing. The liquid is poured from the spoon into your hand from which you drink it. I did manage to get some into my mouth while pouring most of it all over my face. Outside the Temple a kiosk selling books is operated by three young Krishna followers. Of course we had to buy a book. Then we were offered a piece of cake soaked in the same white liquid as we received in the Temple. Tanmaya said it was hygienic and safe to eat and so we did. Today we were dually blessed.
Arriving back at the hotel Tanmaya advised us there was a change of plans. The presentation on Saturday was being postponed, possibly until Tuesday. He would email us by Monday to confirm. He then told us he was heading home to Jharsugada that evening and he wasn't sure whether he would be attending the presentation in person or not so this was goodbye. It all seemed so sudden and final. Tanmaya had been an awesome host and treated us so well, we really weren't ready to say goodbye. So with a handshake and a hug we said goodbye and a few tears ran down my cheek as he drove away.
We decided we would stick to our original plan and work on the plan Friday and Saturday from here. We had a very comfortable hotel with good working space so best to get as much done as possible in preparation for Tuesday. Depending on our progress we might tour Bhubaneswar on Sunday and see what happens for Monday and Tuesday. So Friday, with heads down we continued to work away....

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