Saturday, September 8, 2012

Dinner with the team

What an amazing evening as we invited the SMS team and their families to share dinner with is at the Utkal Hotel!
Our guests were honored to be joining us and the children obviously on their best behavior as they each thanked us for inviting them upon their arrival. As usual we had gifts for the kids, dolls for the girls and a motorcycle for the buy. Canadian pins for all the adults. It was fun to see their excitement and they have us a gift of flowers on an elephant styles vase. Trying to hell with the ordering out host spoke with the waiters and placed the order for the entire group. However we were concerned they were concerned about the expense and wouldn't order enough, which they didn't so we needed to take matters into out own hands. Nobody leaves hungry! The staff understood and the food kept arriving. Soup, chicken, pander and a few other items I am not sure what they were, followed by Ice cream.
Now we have come to learn that even in fancy hotels the use of utensils is very different than at home in Canada . Basically they don't use them. Until the arrival of nan bread on the table no one would start their entrée. Scooping the food up with their fingers and the bread is the method of choice. Finger bowls for everyone before the ice cream arrived.
Not being to keen on spicy they ordered me a special dinner, chicken stroganoff on a bed of rice. It was delicious, again not helping my diet plan.
For entertainment one little girl sang for us,and another asked me to dance as her father played music on his cell phone. Turned out after she asked me she turned terribly shy so out little singer, dances for us. They were both so cute!!
Pictures were taken with everyone, pins exchanged and the young men of the team tried very hard to carry on English conversations with me. Turns out everyone likes to look at pictureds so we had taken the iPad loaded with pictures of out family from home.
A fun night, with lots of laughs and smiles. At 111pm everyone was ready to leave and we had fed and entertained 19 people for less than $200. Amazing!!!

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