Thursday, October 29, 2009

Tiger Kingdom

WOW, what an amazing experience, especially for a person who doesn"t like cats.

Holding a 3 month old Tiher cub on my lap. Resting on the back of a an 18 month old tiger, and rubbing the belly of the big tiger was totally outside my comfort level and just an outstanding adventure. Pictures are awesome. Can the trip get any better? Each day just gets better and better.

Leaving the Jungle

Day 3 and we are again climbing straight up as the guides bushwacked the path through the jungle. I hadn't used a walking stick during the trek so far, but this morning I was handed a bammboo stick. About half the team was using them. At first I was a bit offended and too proud, indicating I didn't want one, but the guide insisted.

Thank goodness. When I said straight up hill it was, with huge natural steps that you really needed to lift yourself up onto. OF course after straight up, it was straight down, repeated 2 more times with the final 500 meters straight up. The walking stick was a god send as I was the first one to walk out of the jungle.

An emotional finish. Reaching the end was so gratifying and filled you with a sense of accomplishment, while leaving you a little sad. This part of the journey was over.

With a lump in the throat and a few tears, we thanked our guides who safely led us on this amazing hike. A group picture and we are off, to ride the elephants and for a short bamboo cruise down the river.

The worst Massage ever

Now you know I love massages, and don't really see myself as a whimp when it comes to theraputic pressure in a message. Bangkok's massage left me wanting more.
The Massage in MaiMai, outside on a balcony was the most painful experience I have ever had, and I think every time I cried she tried harded. While my muscles all feel great I have several new bruises.. They push and pulled in every possible spot, including cracking your back. Not an experience I hope to replicate anytime soon.

But again part of the adventure.

Trekking through the jungle!

The trek of a life time, with intense up hill climbing, extremely cautios desents and amazing views. Ghost mountain was a breeze comparatively, as paths were exteremly slippery and steep.

The fisrt day we traveled about 8 Km over a 4 hour period, arriving in Pahol at Dusk. The village was exteremely primitive, with litte more than a mat to sleep on in each home. However some did have TVs with solar generated power. The village is a Tea farm. We all slept in one big hut, with a bamboo floor and lots of nautal air conditioning. Our guides made us an authentic Thai supper over an open fire in the same hut. We were all exhausted and sleeping before 9 pm.

The next morning left lots of time for exploring the Village and taking picures. The children were very cute, while playing shy.

Day two's trek started with a major down hill desend, where we need to stop occasionally and check for leeches. Picking them off our clotes was fun in it self. I expected rather large easy to see worms, rather than the small thread like ones we saw.

Lunch lead us to a wonderful waterfall , that we used as a natural slide into the pool below. So fun and the water felt amazingly, awesome. We ate lunch with bamboo chopsticks the guides made for us at the site. Noodles, vegetables and chicken.

13 km and 8 hours later we arrived at the Village of MaiMai. A total Luxury resort compared to Pahol. We had rooms for two, with normal toilets and our own personal cold water showers. But the best part was the view!!

Biking through Bangkok

Words can't capture the entire ensence of biking through the back roads of the City. Riding mountain bikes, we work are way through the maze of the town. Often feeling like we are riding through peoples homes and yards. Almost every little hut appears to have soem type of store front with the owner sitting on the side walk. Food is cooking on make shift stoves. Some smells great others not so. The huts along the river are braced above the water and range from extremely primitive to nice.

We stop in the park for lunch, but before getting there end up riding through a flock of pigeons. Here comes scam number 3. Cathy tells me to stop so she can get a picture. A lady hands us both small bags of popcorn to feed the birds. Now I know nothing is for free, but Cath was caught guard. The cost started at 150 bahts but we were down to 50 when we paid. Another very funny adventure.

Oh did I mention we had to carry our bikes up and down the stair to get onto the bridge? Thank goodness for the weight training.

After biking we headed off to the Royal Palace. You have to cover your legs so we rented skirts and marched in. The Emerald Budda is unbelievable. The entire place a mosaic of gold and colored tiles. Absolutley breathe taking. We take a short tour around and head back to the hotel. WE are off to Ching Mai on the night train>

The best massage ever!

Walking through the streets of Bangkok we decided to try a THai masssage. For 120 baht ($4) we are led upstairs to rooms where multiple individuals are all receiving a 1 hour massage. Ever muscle in your body is worked and stretched. It felt like a very intense Yoga session, and we both came out wondering how long we should wait until the next one?

Then we headed to Ko San street. A huge street market, filled with tourists and backpackers. The energy was amazing. Only the pictures will be able to explain. Cathy had forgot her Flatiron, so rather than buy one we both sat down and had our hair braided. That should save time, shampoo and energy in preparation for trekking through the jungle. Follwed by a great dinner and then back to the hotel to meet the tour group.

The group consists of 16 individuals travelling from England, Bermany, Holland, Japan, USA and of course 6 people from Canada. We are going to have fun.

Beware of the tuktuk driver

Sunday morning up bright and early and ready to explore the wonders of Bangkok. First item on the agenda is a river tour to see the floating market and all the river has to offer. Looking for a taxi we are approached by the tuktuk driver who offers to take us to the river cruise for 20 baht- ( 6 cents) that should have been our first clue, but they look so fun so we jump in and tell him that we want to go to the river tour that you can get on and off along the way. No Problem.

He takes us to the long tail river boat cruise. Realizing this is not where we want to be we enter into a debate( shouldn't be, but was) with the driver who is now very upset that we don't want to take his recommended tour. "It is Better"! Believe it or not we end up getting on the longtail boat, which is cool in itself and ride down the river. Our guide speaks no English, so I am sure we got the whole meal scam. But it was an adventure.!

The tour took us past the floating market. Entrepenuers serve food and sell items to passing tourist. The locals sitting on a restuarnat like platform also order meals off the small canoe like boats.

So the second scam is as you come up to a lady selling trinkets and trash, she asks you to buy a beer for your driver. Does he want one? Of course. My thought buy the beer or possibly end up in the river so we bought him a beer. TOO Funny

They were calling Our Names

Finally on the plane in Calgary, waiting to head to Vancouver. Then we were still sitting there 35 minutes later. No real problem we had 1 1/2 hours to change planes.
However once we arrived we had 45 minutes and we still needed to get boarding passes.

Thank goodness we had used web-online check in for the Japan air flights before leaving Calgary. We were told to go straight to the Japan Air gates and we would be able to get our passes there. As we are almost running up to the gate they are calling our names. With only a few minutes to spare we had our baording passes all the way to Bangkok. I would highly recommend using web- check-in. It saved us hours of stress and we even felt important that they were checking to ensure we were there.

The rest of the flight and transfers were smooth sailing, arriving at Bangkojk at 12 midnight Saturday.

Friday, October 23, 2009

The ordeal of Packing

After weeks of preparing the packing is done. Who knew we would second guess the backpack. Yes I bought a new one for the day hikes. Both packs are full. The only way we bring home treasures is by leaving something behind. Hopefully all the bug spray and sunscreen is used by the time we come home.

We are finally ready and sitting at the airport waiting to board the first flight.
Calgary to Vancouver. Here we go!!

Sunday, October 18, 2009

Making Choices

One day you are sitting envying the opportunities friends have taken and with a quick decision you become part of the adventure.

The opportunity to make travelling a real adventure has always been a distant dream, but with a few coincidental choices the dream is now a reality.

The first choice was that fitness needed to become a part of my life so over the summer I started running, took up weight lifting and enrolled in Yoga. All great choices, that I have totally enjoyed. I feel better, think I look better and can almost keep up with 38 year olds.

When a friend shared that she was travelling to Thailand in October for a biking , hiking and kayaking adventure, I was envious! A few emails and phone calls later and I am booked to join her for the adventure of a lifetime. The second great choice was to investigate the opportunity to join her. Thank goodness for all that exercise!! Not only are we travelling around the world, muscle power is required. I am confident I cn keep up!

Thirty (30) days later I have had all my shots. Yes, I feel like a new puppy.LOL I have bought a new backpack and all the supplies for hiking through rice paddies, up into the jungle and for sleeping under the stars. Not yet packed everything is scattered accross the bed waiting to be checked off the list of supplies required for the adventure. I beleive I have made all the right choices , that it will all weigh less than 33lbs and I can carry the pack comfortably. Here is hoping!

5 more sleeps, if I can sleep, with a nervous stomach and excited anticipation , I can hardly wait to start the adventure.

What will be the next choice as the 2 Cathy's take on the world ??