Thursday, October 29, 2009

Trekking through the jungle!

The trek of a life time, with intense up hill climbing, extremely cautios desents and amazing views. Ghost mountain was a breeze comparatively, as paths were exteremly slippery and steep.

The fisrt day we traveled about 8 Km over a 4 hour period, arriving in Pahol at Dusk. The village was exteremely primitive, with litte more than a mat to sleep on in each home. However some did have TVs with solar generated power. The village is a Tea farm. We all slept in one big hut, with a bamboo floor and lots of nautal air conditioning. Our guides made us an authentic Thai supper over an open fire in the same hut. We were all exhausted and sleeping before 9 pm.

The next morning left lots of time for exploring the Village and taking picures. The children were very cute, while playing shy.

Day two's trek started with a major down hill desend, where we need to stop occasionally and check for leeches. Picking them off our clotes was fun in it self. I expected rather large easy to see worms, rather than the small thread like ones we saw.

Lunch lead us to a wonderful waterfall , that we used as a natural slide into the pool below. So fun and the water felt amazingly, awesome. We ate lunch with bamboo chopsticks the guides made for us at the site. Noodles, vegetables and chicken.

13 km and 8 hours later we arrived at the Village of MaiMai. A total Luxury resort compared to Pahol. We had rooms for two, with normal toilets and our own personal cold water showers. But the best part was the view!!

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