Thursday, October 29, 2009

The best massage ever!

Walking through the streets of Bangkok we decided to try a THai masssage. For 120 baht ($4) we are led upstairs to rooms where multiple individuals are all receiving a 1 hour massage. Ever muscle in your body is worked and stretched. It felt like a very intense Yoga session, and we both came out wondering how long we should wait until the next one?

Then we headed to Ko San street. A huge street market, filled with tourists and backpackers. The energy was amazing. Only the pictures will be able to explain. Cathy had forgot her Flatiron, so rather than buy one we both sat down and had our hair braided. That should save time, shampoo and energy in preparation for trekking through the jungle. Follwed by a great dinner and then back to the hotel to meet the tour group.

The group consists of 16 individuals travelling from England, Bermany, Holland, Japan, USA and of course 6 people from Canada. We are going to have fun.

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