Thursday, October 29, 2009

Biking through Bangkok

Words can't capture the entire ensence of biking through the back roads of the City. Riding mountain bikes, we work are way through the maze of the town. Often feeling like we are riding through peoples homes and yards. Almost every little hut appears to have soem type of store front with the owner sitting on the side walk. Food is cooking on make shift stoves. Some smells great others not so. The huts along the river are braced above the water and range from extremely primitive to nice.

We stop in the park for lunch, but before getting there end up riding through a flock of pigeons. Here comes scam number 3. Cathy tells me to stop so she can get a picture. A lady hands us both small bags of popcorn to feed the birds. Now I know nothing is for free, but Cath was caught guard. The cost started at 150 bahts but we were down to 50 when we paid. Another very funny adventure.

Oh did I mention we had to carry our bikes up and down the stair to get onto the bridge? Thank goodness for the weight training.

After biking we headed off to the Royal Palace. You have to cover your legs so we rented skirts and marched in. The Emerald Budda is unbelievable. The entire place a mosaic of gold and colored tiles. Absolutley breathe taking. We take a short tour around and head back to the hotel. WE are off to Ching Mai on the night train>

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