Friday, November 6, 2009

Kayaking in the Andaman Sea

A short 3 hour kayak through the currents of the Andaman Sea took us from Ko Hong Island to Ladin Island and back. Ladin Island reminded me of the set of the movie "Beaches". Bamboo platforms and huts made up the living quarters for the park rangers and looked just like the huts in the movie. Rumor has it segments of the movie "Paradise" and "Pirates of the Carribean" were filmed here.

While I had been resting on my laurels of how easy kayaking had been the previous day, today was a different story. We think there was a rock planted in front of our boat, but it was probably just the strength of the current and the fact my partner had a sore arm. ( yes I am blamng him, it works better for my ego). We proudly brought in the tail of the team at each destination!!

Back at Ko Hong Island I caught up on my sleep, resting on one of the most beautiful beaches in the world. The sand is soft as silk, pure white and cool to the touch. A perfect place to enjoy a peaceful afternoon.

Dinner a barbeque of squid, fish, chicken and even a little beef on the beach.

Staring at the stars we watch the moon rise into the sky. What a wonderful way to spend the last night of the tour together.

Tomorrow we go Snorkelling!!

1 comment:

  1. This is just so amazing! I'm happy to see how much fun you are having and what an adventure!!!! WOW! You go girl, and come back with all the stories and pictures! Take good care and know that I envy you and am proud of what you are accomplishing all at the same time. Sending hugs your way! KC:)
