Friday, November 6, 2009

Monkey Business

On day eleven, I indicated that Kayaking was a little tougher than I expected.
Now an interesting fact is if the weight in the boat isn't even, the heavier individual can struggle to keep his end of the boat from sinking too deep in the water.
WHo knew that Not being 110lbs would make me a more attractive kayaking partner? That several (LOL) extra pounds made it much easier for both myself and my new Canadian Kayaking partner.

ON Day 12, my new partner and I sailed through the mongrove and manuveoured around the brush like no buddies business. It was a breeze and way more fun. We were teased with the opportunity to see a few monkey's along the way and the guides strategically threw Pineapple on the kayaks. A few MOnkeys was an understatement as dozen of monkeys jumped out of the trees onto our boats. Climbing all over us they moved from one boat to another. When the fruit was gone they tried to open our drypacks to see if there was any food hiding. I found myself talking to them as if they were little children. "No, No, Get out of there". A mother moved between boats while her baby continued to nurse, solidly hanging on. Just when we thought we had past all the monkeys, another group jumped out of the trees, through the water and onto our boats looking for left overs. Several licked the pineapple juice of the surface of the boats.

This was better than any day at the zoo. Touching, patting and feeding the monkeys.
I am sure they were thinking " Here comes another parade of tourists. Let's see how much fun we can have with them."

After playing in the mangrooves, we headed out into the Andaman Sea in a Longtail Baot, destination Ko Hong Island. It poured rain the entire trip, but once we arrived at the white sandy beach the clouds parted and the sun shone. Just in time for us to put up the tents that would be our accomodation for the next two nights.

Now my husband will appreciate that we slept in camoflough tents on bamboo matts. The ground was a little hard for these bare bones, but sleep is highly over rated anyways.

So what do you do when you are camping in the middle of a Thailand Island? Play Texas Hold 'em of course. If only it had been real money. I won the pot, not just once but the entire game. Worried no one would play with me I started throwing a few hands. To my family, I am not usually so nice, so don"t expect the same treatment at home. LOL

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