Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Kayaking through the Mongroves

I had been pretty confident that after all we had already accomplished that a simple day Kayaking would be a walk in the park. So why were my arms so sore an hour into today's adventure? How hard can it be?

Well not so hard for me in the front but the poor guide behind me saw the underneath of way to many bushes,I am sure. My direction was off and the speed slow. So I am going to insist there was just way too much for me to see to concentrate on paddling. Tomorrow he may ask for another partner,,,LOL

Oh yeah, I am sure the rain had something to do with it also. That being said we had a great day paddling through the caves, and taking in the view. Trees with their roots reaching meters out of the ground into the water below. Caves with ancient drawing and even 6 monkeys. Now I am not sure who was the attraction, the monkeys or the kayakers, as the monkeys played swinging from root to root and climbing up the mountain walls. I am convinced they were laughing at us!!

A short drive to a fresh water river provided the opportunity for us to play monkey. Swinging from a rope into the water. Funny thing though most of us just veg'd and watched. Guess I wasn't the only one a bit tired.

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