Saturday, November 14, 2009

The last day in Thailand

What do you do on your last day in Thailand? For us it was easy to decide; we needed to relax and capture as much sunshine as possible.

A few hours at the pool, one last manicure, a pedicure and for sure a coconut oil massage.

It has been a great three weeks and we have done absolutely so much it is hard to capture it all! 4 of us from the GAP Tour, talked about what our favorite part was and it was truly to hard to decided. It was all fantastic!. The people were amazing, the Gap tour outstanding and the country awesome. With weather hovering in the mid 30's the entire time, even when it rained it was warm.

The last day in Thailand was my wedding anniversary and I would be amiss if I didn't thank Randy for being such an amazing husband. I am truly a very lucky lady!! His support made the trip possile and encouragement stretched me to participate in the adventure to the fullest. While he wasn't here in Thailand with us, he was here in spirit. Thank goodness for emails. Happy Anniversary Love!

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