Monday, April 12, 2010

Bonaire... becoming one with the road.

Population 15,000

Bonaire is known for scuba diving and snorkeling, but we didn't do either.

A desert, mostly flat with some rolling hills surrounded by water is how Bonaire appeared to us. Especially after the long winding roads that lead up the mountains(OK, not the Canadian Rockies, but definitely steep hills) in Dominica and Grenada. The perfect island to travel by mountain bike! We met our guide Edmee, a gorgeous girl who toured us along the coastline to the sites of the island.

Here is where I tried to become one with the pavement. as the cyclist in front of me stopped I engage the left brake ( yes the left brake) and the bike came to an abrupt stop sending the back wheel up into the air as I went ass over teakettle. Having done this once to many times in the past, I knew I could gain control and prevent a major spill. However the woman behind me crashed into me and somehow my body preventing the 2 bikes and other lady from hitting the pavement. Lying at the bottom of the heap my first instinct was to get up, but somehow I was unable to move. It was only then I realized the woman and bikes needed to be moved first. Thankfully Nicole took control of the situation and we were able to unravel the pile on the road. Hurt yes, bruised and slightly battered yes, probably a bit in shock but I was determined to get back on the bike and keep going. Fortunately, Edmee made me take a short time out in the bus to regain control of my breathe and body. Ten minutes later I was back in the saddle and ready to continue the tour and what a great tour it was! We visited the flamingo and wild donkey sanctuaries, saw a few wild boars and lots of goats roaming the countryside.

The ride was awesome, finishing off with a serious uphill climb, which I am proud to say I made without walking. My pride was still hurting from the fall, so there was no way I was going to walk any of the hills even if it killed me. Fortunately it didn't! We ended the bike tour at the local police station where we boarded a bus to continue the island tour.

Driving along the coast we saw Land sailors. Best describes as go carts with sails powered by the wind. They looked and operate much like windsurfers but with wheels and no brakes. Apparently they can often be spotted off course and heading across the highway if they don't manage the sail correctly. Looked a bit scary to me!

Finally a great place to shop. Bonaire offered several streets lined with all kinds of souvenirs and clothing shops, restaurants and kiosks. Along with the normal trinkets, they had some unique shops. Yes I bought a dress and top both for less than $20 each and a few souvenir's. Probably the best shopping experience we had on the trip so far.

Dinner was out of control. Janet ordered 3 appetizers thinking that something called "Quail and Venison...something or other" was an entree and not the pate and bread she got. This set the stage for continues laughter that just got sillier and sillier as the even went on. Who knew?

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