Monday, April 12, 2010

Grenada-- were the Carribean band welcomed us.

Population 110,000
Today was scheduled just to be fun and it was. Greeted by a steel band we made our way to the bus that would take us Tubing. Not quite as lush as Dominica, but still lots of trees and windy roads that led us up hill to the river for a morning of tubing. We learned that Grenada was also experiencing a drought and the water level in the river was at least 4 inches lower than normal. This meant that the guides had to work extra hard pulling and pushing us through some of the rapids. OK not really rapids but still twisting and turning as we floated down the river. If you are not getting splashed you probably aren't having fun, and we had Lot's of fun. At one point we were all singing "if you are happy and you know it clap your hands". The last verse " if you are happy and you know it splash the tourists". If you hadn't got too wet before this you were now totally soaked. The water felt great, cool and refreshing. As we climbed out of the river, Grenations with rum punch welcomed us to the beach.

Grenada is known for their spices and we all bought nutmeg and spice necklaces from the roadside kiosk. Our suitcases and clothes should all smell great when we arrive home.

Grenada takes tourism seriously and had a great mall in the center of town. Everything from expensive jewellery, clothing, Lot's of spices and the normal tourist junk. I think we all helped the Grenada economy a bit. A skirt, more spices and a steel drum will make it home to Canada with me.

We had to be back on the boat by 1:30 pm so our time in Grenada was short, but I think we got a good taste of the island.

Now we had some time for some serious tanning, during our afternoon at sea!

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