Monday, April 12, 2010


Trafalgar falls... travelling to Trafalgar Falls was an adventure in itself. Narrow, winding roads led us up to the highest point in Dominica on our way to the falls. Fortunately I was sitting close to the front of the bus as the passengers in the back really weren't feeling to well. Not only are the roads long and windy, most of them are under construction. At one point our bus passed another going the opposite direction and the 2nd bus fell off the edge of the road, placing his left wheels approximately a foot of the cement. He was still stuck when we left.

First stop the falls, where we took a short hike up the stairs to the outlook. Along the way we past a spring laden with minerals. Rumor has it if you touch the minerals it takes 2 years of your age, so of course not taking any chances I placed both my hands into the spring to ensure I captured any possible anti-aging opportunity. Reaching the outlook, two magnificent water falls appeared in the distance. The Mama and the Papa. Extremely beautiful sites to see. Know the funny thing is that when ever 6 ladies group together to have their picture taken, someone always wants in on the action. Today we gained and elderly gentleman as a new friend in our picture. The photographer even asked him to step aside so she could get a picture of just the girls.. too funny.

From the falls we headed to the Rain forest Aerial tram way and suspension bridge. However before boarding the tram we had to stop for lunch, at Subway in the rain forest. The perfect lunch. It was a bit funny to see Subway signs and branding in the forest.

Riding the tram up the mountain was so very peaceful and the mountain side was extremely lush with vegetation. We were told by our guide ( whose name none of us can remember) that it rains every single day in Dominica and today was no exception. Thank goodness I had my rain cape with me as I hate to be cold. Oh the others laughed at me, but I was warm and comfortable. The guide seemed extremely knowledgeable about the plants, trees and wildlife residing in the forest. Throughout the entire tour he named plants, showed us root systems and made a torch. We all believe he is probably a botanist at heart. At the top of the mountain we disembarked and made our way to the suspension bridge. It was much sturdier than I expected, but definitely extremely high in the sky. For anyone with a fear of heights travelling across the bridge was truly a feat, but we all made it with pictures to show. Then we hiked down the path to the midway station before climbing back on the tram car for the ride back to the base station.

Shopping in Dominica was almost non-existent. We found a small warehouse to buy a few souvenirs just outside the port entrance. The women manning the tables really didn't seem all that interested in making a sale and there was really nothing that caught our eye. I did but a spoon but that was it.

The most gorgeous Rain Forest I have had the opportunity to visit, it felt so natural and not at all commercialized.

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