Monday, April 12, 2010

St Thomas...Beaches and Pirates.

Docking at St Thomas took us to one of the 10 most beautiful beaches in the world. For the next 2 hours we bathed in the sunshine on Magan's beach. Fine, soft, white sand leading to the crystal, clear, blue water we all went for a swim. OK I only spent 10 minutes in the water, but Nicole, Janet and Ulla definitely frolicked in the water for most of our visit to the site. Yes this is where my watch died. Lying on the beach, and soaking up the sun while reading a trashy novel, I was in heaven!!

St Thomas was the island that encouraged pirates to visit and Blackbeard's castle
was a site to behold. First a quick tour of the rum factory and a few samples just to wet your whistle, or maybe it was just to entice you to buy a few Which we did! Then the exploring and introduction to the pirates began. America's next top models we aren't but we could play at posing and pretending to interact with the statues. It was so much fun.

Through the maze of the plantation homes, the Amber gift shop and a quick hotdog at Salty's and we were off to the shops of St Thomas. However we only had an hour until we needed to head back to the ship. Where had all the time gone? While thinking we should be shopping in St Thomas, recommended for their jewellery, we made a quick tour through some of the shops. But honestly, we were hot and thirsty so after 1/2 hour we headed for a cool drink instead. Not to much money left in St Thomas, but the memories of the beach are worth millions.

Back on the boat we started our first new ritual. A milkshake from the ice cream shop, upon returning from a days adventure. Now, I need to tell you about the drink cards we purchased our first evening on the boat. For $9 a day (sounds better than $72) you get a drink card that covers all none alcoholic drinks including milkshakes, virgin cocktails and all the pop you could possibly consume. So of course we all got one! At the end of the day I think we all won as I can definitely drink more than 4 pop a day, add in the milkshake and beverages with meals and I am definitely ahead. OH yeah beverages are not free on the boat.

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