Tuesday, April 13, 2010

# 27 and #188

When we were first approached to participate in the Mount Royal University Mini Triathlon, I thought OK how hard could it be? 500 meter swim- now yes this might be a problem as I am not a swimmer and prefer to have my feet on solid ground; 17.8k bike ride.. no problem, have done 50k after a long run; 5k bike ride..OK this should be a walk in the park. Not so!!! I think it might have helped to have actually gone for an occasional swim before the event, but in 23 minutes we finished 21 lengths of the pool. With my coach encouraging me all the way the swimming portion was over. I just needed to catch my breathe. About lap 2 of the 3 lap bike ride I finally caught that breathe. The swim definitely impacted by biking ability as I rode as if we were out for a casual ride around town. Should have trained a bit more than the ride in Bonaire.

Finishing lap 3, what a relief! As the crowd cheered us on, all that was left was that 5k run. Who knew when transitioning from the bike to the run my legs would feel like stiff boards and my right foot a frozen brick. To say the least my legs really weren't to fond of me right now and lifting my feet was no easy task.... but they kept going. As we past Lot's of people walking I as determined not to quit.

Crossing the finish line was extremely gratifying and emotional. With the support of my coach the entire way we had completed our first mini-triathlon. The learning's ...you really should train and while anyone of the sports individually is no problem putting them all together is quite another story! Thank goodness for my coach!!!

Will I do another one? I think so, just to prove what I can do if I train properly.

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